Shipping Containers Tahiti / Papeete

Tahiti is the largest island in French Polynesia, not to mention the economic, cultural and political hub of the surrounding islands.  

Papeete which is the capital of Tahiti is a thriving and bubbling city, which sadly is often known for horrendous peak hour traffic jams that would rival more populous and larger cities around the World.

SEA Containers NZ has been supplying containers directly from our yard in Papeete since 2018.  We have partnered up with Tahiti Mobile Home (part of the Degage group of comppanies) to supply all sizes and kids of shippoing containers directly throughout French Polyneisa.

Our team has the resources and know how available to supply the right container to many of the islands.  

We continue to work with a number of shipping lines and freight agents in New Zealand to ship containers directly to Papeete, if we don’t have what you need, such as a refrigerated container, then get in touch and let us know.  

There are two ways to organise the purchase of a shipping container in Tahiti directly, or have it supplied in Auckland to then transported to Tahiti with your cargo inside:

In addition to supplying containers for general storage throughout Tahiti, they are able to create a shipping container home for you also.  Check out the website for more information